Mexicans are rooting for the US team too. They love the rivalry between the two countries, and they have that gleam in their eye when saying they have hopes of a match between the two teams. Big fun. Meanwhile I am studying up on soccer once again. Trying to figure out the point system for placement in future rounds. I am even keeping a score card. I'm nuts.
The concert, the night before the game, was a revelation . This country loves Shakira, and she was fabulosa. Alicia Keyes was great too, but no one knows who she is here. Too sad, I'm working on that. When I am reincarnated Aretha Franklin in my next life, I'll be sure to get my ass to Mexico and show them some soul. Social life, appointments, shopping, are suddenly all revolving around soccer games. My soccer Spanish is improving by the minute as I watch the games. At least I can throw out a few words that make me sound like I know what I'm talking about in Spanish.
Soccer gives us an excuse to just hang out too, as the rains have come big time. We can sit and watch the games without feeling guilty. We are getting very wet storms and everything is greening up. We went out last night, in the pouring rain, to a local Japanese restaurant. Love to eat outside when it is raining and not get wet (partial roof). Great stuff. We met friends, and had a lovely time talking about the environmental movement here in Mexico, and food, and places we must visit, and food.
Speaking of food, Konichiwa, our local Japanese restaurant (I know, Japanese food in Huatulco, who would have thought), has an interesting/fantastic take on sushi. They wrap the rolls in mango. Oh my God! Paper thin slices, that hold the rice, fish, and spices so perfectly, I am hooked. I love this about Mexico. They use local ingredients in new (for us), creative ways, and we have a meal of a lifetime. Life is grand! But today we are back to soccer, and want to see the Italians roll over the Paraguay team, like Germany steamrolled Australia. Can't wait until Friday.
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