Sunset on a warm evening.
Dia 7 is this rock and roll band here the other night at the El Charro. El Charro is one of those kinds of places here that one could get used to going down to every Saturday night, for the music, of course. Dia 7 rocked the place. It’s been a long time since I have heard this kind of music, live, and in of all places Huatulco. We so rocked. Our good friends, Melissa and Kristen, came down for 4 days (they’re young) and we ended their last night there at the bar. Obstensibly we were going to hear a friend, Gabby, sing with the house band, but upon arrival was told the night was switched up. When we were hanging out front for a second, so was that night’s band. They looked like Huatulco wasn’t thier home, they had that sophisticated swagger to their grungy - sweaty - laid back look, that was perfect on an evening where at 11PM it was still 90. Hot.
We had just come from dinner at La Finca near us in Bocana. Those of you have been here, I’ve dragged you to that BBQ place. But the guys who own it sing. Like angels. Ballads. They are brothers and nephews who sing and run the restaurants. If God was handing out gifts to families, these guys got the voice and BBQ rub, I swear. They are well known in southern Oaxaca, and sing at their two restaurants, and private events. We dragged along friend Shirley, an expat from England. It was a change up for her too. We had ended a very fun 4 days with them, in a whirlwind of catching up, seeing and doing things here, scuba diving, horseback riding and sangrita with shots of tequila, well, it was busy.
Not feeling the crunch
Melissa and Kristen have come in the throes of the “hot” part of the year here. Where from 3-6 PM everyone goes home and lays under the fan, then goes back to the business of living later. As in most warm, tropical countries, businesses are open well towards midnight, commerce is conducted only in the early morning hours or evening hours. Even doctors and dentists work evenings here. So sensible.
Anyway, it was such an opportunity to see/hear some great Latin rock. Dia 7 even did a little rockabilly thing, an old Elvis number - so gooood. It was great fun to be able to spend time with the women from SF. Makes me miss San Francisco when they talk about where they are eating, what happenings in The City keep them busy. But, they are so busy. This retired life tends to slow your ass down a bit. In the end, I’m soooo glad I am not in the working world anymore. Although an Iphone would be lovely, “but to what purpose”, I hear in the background (ahem, husband). But it is fun to hear about their world, I know they are havin’ fun.
We’re ready for the heat. Our routines for survival have been established. We keep an eye on the thunder/lightening storms over the mountains, and ever so slightly wish they would just move over a little bit more, for say, us. It’s coming. The rivers are starting to pick up content and speed in the last few weeks, it’s raining in the mountains. All tourists and most snowbirds have bailed. Nice. We’ll muster on, just rearrange our hours.
A friend is coming down in June. We’ll be doing a little mezcal tasting trip to Oaxaca. This should be fun. I’m working on an article about mezcal for our local rag,, that will be in one of the summer issues. I am also working on a project for Piña Palmera, a brochure (and this is a slow process for me), so I’m thinking I’m filling time efficiently, but not stressfully, enough these days. Melissa and Kristen where great company, and they reminded us how much we like living here, just for how it goes, riding horses through a river, eating at the local dives, running into friends and catching a rock band at the local bar....
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